Every women should know how to look presentable in public especially when going to parties or formal events.

I'm not a Pro when it comes to makeup but I want to share these with you. In order for us to be knowledgeable in this matter, we should properly equipped ourselves wih this advices.

1. YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR SKIN TONE. Knowing your skin tone is very important. It helps you buy the right product that complements your skin.

2. SHAPING YOUR EYEBROWS PERFECTLY. Getting your eyebrows properly shaped adds definition and shows neatness to your face.

via alight


3. COVERING YOUR DARK CIRCLES. You should be careful in choosing the right concealer to cover your dark circles. 

4. EVERY BRUSH HAS A PURPOSE. You don't just use any brush you like when applying makeup. To achieve that perfect finish, you need to use the appropriate brush.

5. YOUR TOOLS SHOULD BE CLEAN. Cleanliness is important when we use our tools everyday. You should make it a habit to clean it before using or else you don't want to get rashes all over your face.

Stay tuned for more ☺

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